Thursday, November 21, 2013

Week 11 assignment

The topic I will be researching will be ""in what ways do the contents of advertisements reflect the change in popular culture?" I feel as though this will be an effective topic because I will look into advertisements that are from the past, i will analyze the type of music they played during the advertisement, what the product was and the type of people involved in the ad. I believe that Ads reflect change in pop culture from the type of people in the ad. who the ad is aimed toward, the music playing, the images associated with the product (if it is an ad that is not on TV). I feel as though not only do ads reflect pop culture, but ads can also shape pop culture. I believe that in order to make a successful analysis i will need to gather information on ads from the early 20th century as well as gather info on what was going on during that particular time period then connect the ad to pop culture. So far i already know and understand that many ads not only sell a product, but also sell a lifestyle. Knowing this can be of use to me when determining the message that the Ad is trying to communicate about pop culture and vise-verse. As of right now i would say that the content of advertisements reflect the change in popular culture in the way that they present the ad in regards to the lifestyle being sold, the images associated with the product, as well as certain subliminal ques that the ad suggests.


  1. I like the music angle! I've never really paid attention to the music, but it does play a pivotal role. Thinking about your topic made me think back to the old silent films. No one had any idea of the direction of the mood, so the music guided the viewers feelings since there was no tone. As we know... tone is lost in text. Wouldn't it be funny if our texts came with their own mood music?! HA! This might be the next evolutionary step my friend! Emoticons be damned! I have a theme song!

  2. Hm, interesting. I think you should especially talk about the use of the male gaze in advertizing, because while its impact is subtle, its nigh-omniprescence in advertising media seems to be one of the largest factors in our society's dehumanization of women, and the fact that it's so often and cheaply used in advertising brings to mind Steven King's old quote, "It doesn't matter because they thought about it very hard, but because they didn't."

    Albeit, he was using that to talk about the use of radiation as the origin of the monster in The Horror of Party Beach, but my point still stands.

  3. I think the topic and the idea you have on this paper so far is good. I think it is a good idea they way you said you would look at the media that is in the past and talk out them too. I do think that they way that advertisements are made now is based on the direction that society is moving. I know that the media when it comes to advertisement has changed through out the years so i think that this is a topic to address.

  4. This sounds very interesting. You make a great point of how the advertisement targets a demographic by the music that’s played as well. I think the hardest part of this research is finding any scholarly articles on the subject. I do think you have a great start though.

  5. I think a timeline approach would well suit your topic and help present it in such a way that's its easy to look back on and really compare how things have changed! It reminds me in a sense of my presentation on how television has changed over the years.
    I think knowing and researching on what was popular in culture and what was going on in society when the ads run will be a great tool in seeing how it seeps into advertising, and whether or not the advertisers portray a perhaps harsh reality on the situation or if they try to make a situation in society better, or just completely take your mind off of the problems (I hope that makes sense.) Overall I can't think of any other suggestions because all of the things that you want to explore about advertising are perfect! All of those different aspects and little things play into a huge role of how a commercial is.

  6. You should probably narrow the topic down to a category of advertisements such as movie ad, food ad, or cleaning ad. The music aspect is a great way to compare the advertisements. I agree that these advertisements shape and determine what the new trend in our culture will unfold. You can analyze which category of advertisements were popular in each era and discuss the popular culture that came about from those ads.
